Friday, December 10, 2021

Week 11

This is just showing the direct interaction with the model. I will try to film another version of it in B1 with distant interaction tomorrow.

For this, as the spectator won't personally interact with the model i think placing it on the floor won't be too bad. E.g. i think it will lose its sense of scale through the webcamera.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Week 11

Model fitted into a corner would be super nice. It gives less surface area which means it can be more dense / detailed compared to a freestanding object. Ended up doing a wider one instead.

I've glued / welded together most of the object. Two gussets where too small so these need to be cut again on Tuesday. Unfortunately, I think the object won't be able to stand up on its own, so I will probably have to cut some support help it stand up.

Will update this post with the process more before Tuesday. How the gussets where made.

Used Pepakura to get the fold angle between each panel. Then used this data to create two different gussets in Fusion 360, one "mountain fold" and one "valley fold".

The gussets ended up being really small. It ended up this way as i put them close to the edge of each panel, also i thought if they where too big they would interfere with the rear projection. If i put them in the center instead they probably could've been more stable. I am not sure if its better to connect them in the middle of each part with one big gusset or closer to the edge with one on each side-

Monday, November 29, 2021

Week 10

I want the model to be as big as possible to "mirror" a human person, however I'm afraid it will be too flimsy. Because of the rear projection i can't really add any internal support either.

The thought behind this one was negative space connected to the human thermal boundary layer. With Schlieren photography you can visualise the fluid in the vicinity of objects, e.g. such as the heat coming off our bodies. When you approach the sensor the inner parts will light up.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Week 09

The basic concept of these models was entropy, order -> disorder.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Week 08

So I was thinking of doing an experiment about extending the human touch / transferring body heat as a way to connect people. Basically way of communicating real time that "I am thinking of you" in a more visual / caring way than what a text message can.

More clear sketch of the unwrapping idea.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Week 07

Location tracking with Syntheyes translated to laser cut path.

This is a video from NFT class. As most peoples movement is very linear in one direction i chose to track the dog's nose. The dog has a more unpredictable movement and it's moving its head a lot more. As the dog is not clear view at all times there is a lot of guessing involved in this tracking. This was tracked with after effects.

I think its possible to convert the tracking points into 3D space with Syntheyes. With this i could get a better estimate to how the points are actually moving / a top down view of the movement. This would better translated into 2D data.

Week 06

The nylon experiment works pretty well. With this one i wrapped polystyrene balls with nylon stocking. This one is pretty close to the original sketch, however unfortunately the motor is not strong enough the pull the fabric that much. Also the backside of the "blob" looks pretty bad, you can see the "pin" on the left side sticking out.

What i like about this one is the ambiguity of it. The black fabric masks a lot of the detail which makes it look like just a black blob. Also at times the silhouette reminds me of heads, like it's morphing between different "faces" / pareidolia. However i wish it was more "floaty", not as rigid as it currently is. This could be solved with more motors and more continuous movement.

The submerged condom experiment did not work that well. I tried three times, with different techniques, but i can't make it work properly.

The first time i tried a double wrapped condom with theaded polystyrene balls inside. The problem with this one was that i didn't secure it on the bottom and the condom was floating on the surface of the tank. The second attempt i tried the same just with threads keeping it in place on the bottom as well. However the effects doesn't work that well. The distortion doesn't work that well also the ink keeps leaking into the tank / while hanging it up. As a result the project has a limited timespan.

The silicon experiment worked ok. It's super flexible however the motor is still not strong enough to pull it properly. Also the silicon ended up being way too thick. The test run i did just on the side as i had way too much leftover turned out better than the one in the mold. Material looks very nice however.

Week 05

Laser cut the box for the floating object experiment.

Just condom filled with water and magnet inside burst immediately. Same with balloon and magnet. Wrapping multiple balloons inside each other solved this problem but then i couldn't fill it with water anymore as it was "too strong".

When i put the magnet inside a polystyrene ball and double wrapped the condom it worked ok. It's pretty durable but no interesting shapes occur. Idk if maybe this is because i didn't hang it tight enough. As you can see in the video it gives in pretty fast and i can move it around. Also the magnet needs to be pretty close for it to work. Ideally, i wouldn't have to move the magnet inside the box at all as it "breaks" the feeling a bit.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Week 03

Exploring tessellation / re-meshing techniques from last week. The way these where done is by subdividing the default cube in top mod and applying the different re-meshing techniques in different order. They're then imported into Cinema 4D where they're extruded and and scaled to make a surface that could be folded with paper.

I think as experiments some of these look nice, however I think that in terms of making a foldable / morphable surface a regular triangulated surface is the most effective as it can be folded from many angles. Going forward, depending on when we can use the laser cutter, I should try to cut and fold some of these to see how they work in practice. Could also be interesting to explore the negative space of these (extrude along the lines instead of the middle of the polygon).

This is a shape path made in photoshop, then animated along a curve. Needs a proper stand however.

Regular triangulated mesh, distorted.

Double stellated mesh

Honeycomb, then cubic pentagonalization

Dual loop style remeshing

Dual loop style remeshing, twisted.

Dual pentagonalization